Sell or Trade Pro Audio Equipment & Recording Studio Gear
Have you got some used equipment you are looking to sell or trade?
Get in touch with us today to discuss the sale of your used Pro Audio equipment. Cash In Your gear with us and receive the highest return on your used studio equipment. We often out-right purchase equipment that comes our way, depending on what it is and the asking price. So before you start firing up your eBay account send us an e-mail!
You can also trade your equipment in towards first-class new and vintage recording equipment, we’ll offer you our best trade in terms along with great low pricing on what your are looking to trade up to.
We can also broker the sale of your used studio equipment on your behalf, we can deal with all of the testing, customer inquiries and logistics, making the process as hassle free as possible.
Our customers require only the finest kit, we pay top premiums for any of the following:
Vintage and classic microphones:
- Neumann
- Telefunken
- Royer
- Coles
- Gefell
- Sennheiser
- Sony
Vintage outboard, mic pres, compressor/limiters and EQs in particular brands such as:
- Neve
- Teletronix
- Chandler
- Manley
- Pultec
- Empirical Labs
Large and small format Consoles:
- Neve
- Trident
- Calrec
- Audient
- Helios
Also – vintage analogue multitrack recorders (Ampex, Studer) , reverbs (EMT, Lexicon), high end monitoring plus any boutique, esoteric and interesting pieces you may have and are looking to sell, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
(And please, absolutely no Behringer under any circumstances!)
Get in touch with us today if you have some equipment you are looking to sell, whether it be a single microphone or an entire studio.
Contact Robbie at Miloco Gear by emailing and we will respond promptly.